Eclectic interiors are a hot trend in the interior design world right now and with good reason. The word ‘eclectic’ derives from the Greek word eklektikos, which means ‘to choose the best’. Eclectic interiors really do mean that you can choose all of the best pieces from other styles that you love to create a bright, colourful and exciting home that reflects your personality. Eclectic style hit the design world after first being a major architectural movement, like “Neoclassicism, Gothic Revival, or Byzantine”.
Eclectic style, being a mish-mash of different styles, does not have any consistent characteristics through, which you can define it. However, you can easily identify it.
Eclectic style’s key features are:
• Mixed patterns and textures
•Combination of old and new
•Incorporation of global influences
• Gallery walls Here are some top tips on how to create your own eclectic interior.
When mixing patterns and textures, use as many different textures as possible but try to have a repeating texture that features often to create a theme. Use “one texture at least three times in different spots throughout a home… to maintain a cohesive look”.
Don’t be afraid of negative space. Eclectic interiors can be very busy due to the competing textures, patterns and colours, so try to work with negative space to allow the eye time to rest. “Keep space on shelves and tables empty, and consider the outline of an array of artwork for an interesting shape of the wall behind … It’s not just about what you display. Sometimes it’s about what you leave out.” This is another reason not to put your collection of art/ornaments/books on display in one room. Mixing things up gives a room character and it means you can transform the look of a room every now and then by putting your bits and pieces into storage and taking some different pieces out.
Embrace your inner adventurer by arranging your mementos and souvenirs carefully. Global influences are often found in eclectic homes, alongside furniture both old and new. It’s typical to mix the vintage and the new in an eclectic home, meshing together different time periods into one beautifully done space. Due to the combination of different colours, textures, patterns, styles and ages of the pieces and furniture in an eclectic home, it can lead the unaware into thinking that decorating has been a chaotic process of purely picking favourite things. This is far from the truth. The success of an eclectic interior is entirely dependent on being incredibly purposeful and thinking very carefully about every decision to check that the harmony of the room is not being disturbed. You are not throwing things together haphazardly.
The reverse can also be done to a c Finally, finish the look with an attention-grabbing lighting arrangement or chandelier to pull all of your carefully selected, stylish pieces together. This also creates a fantastic focal point for the room that brings all of the pieces/patterns and textures together. Whether you have a period home or a modern home, selecting the right lighting to suit the style of your home makes an enormous difference to the impression that visitors have of your property.
At Regency Chandeliers and Interiors, we are able to advise and guide your decision-making process in one of our specialist consultancy appointments. We are able to come to your home to measure and take stock of the style of your property, eclectic or otherwise, thereby giving you a well-informed, personalized opinion on what would work best for you and your property. To discuss our extensive lighting range or to make an appointment, email us at